Craig (my personal trainer for the afterlife who died on July 10, 2017) and I have developed our own sign language; our very own way of communicating, as real as Egyptian hieroglyphics or cursive handwriting. If one wants to communicate with a loved one on the other side, it’s important to watch for signs and […]
In last week’s blog “We Don’t Di – Fiscis for First Graders“ you read how Craig manipulated my laptop, on the day he died, to display a full screen picture of himself, without me even turning the computer on or logging in. This week I will continue with the “electronics” theme and include a smattering […]
It turns out that Craig, after he died, reminded me about the basic fisics (physics) that I learned in school. It was so long ago that I didn’t even remember how to spell it! This blog truly is “fisics” for first graders. If you are anything like me, physics seemed irrelevant to my life. So […]
My first “real date” in decades happened on February 7, 2019. I had been married most of my life and the long divorce proceeding would be final in a few short weeks. Dating was something I never thought I would ever do again. I felt giddy and silly and sixteen. I was also determined to […]