When I was in my thirties living in the San Francisco Bay Area, I was fortunate to have a scintillating spiritual teacher, mentor, and friend, by the name of Dr. Ilene Cummings. Yes, scintillating fit her to perfection. Ilene was my mother’s chronological age, but ageless in every other sense. She drove a snazzy […]
In last week’s blog, Mystical Motorcycles, you read about Craig, my afterlife coach who died on July 10, 2017, and how he surprised me on my birthday in 2018. This week you will read about the mind-boggling birthday gifts he showered me with in August of 2017. You’ll need a little background to understand […]
This is a continuation of the “sign language” interchange that Craig and I developed after he died on July 10, 2017. In previous blogs we discussed electronics, shopping carts, and feathers as communication tools. Today we will talk about motorcycles. When Craig was alive, he loved the freedom that he felt riding […]
Craig, my “afterlife coach” who died on July 10, 2017, communicated with me every single day for over sixteen months utilizing feathers. There are hundreds of stories to tell, but I will share the ones that were the most impactful to me. Being the skeptic and Doubting Thomas that I was, I thought I might […]