
With Halloween right around the corner I was reminded of some “scary” things that have recently transpired with my health.  I was made aware that “if you don’t have your health – you don’t have anything!”  My dear, feisty, and amazing almost 95-year-old friend and fellow Arbonne consultant, also emphasized how fortunate I am to have healthy vegan products to share.  My job is to educate people on how they can feel and look better.  But a few weeks back, I wasn’t feeling or looking so good…

The first time I was in the hospital, I was 5 years old, and had my tonsils out.  (Actually, that was the second time, because I was born in the hospital!)  My next visit to the hospital was a couple months ago on the eve of my 65th birthday.  My heart started racing and wouldn’t stop.   I ended up in the ER and was admitted for a couple of days.  It was scary.  Immediately following that, I had a a couple of cancer scares.  My life started flashing before my eyes.  But it was a giant wake-up call and reminder of why I do what I do.  I educate people about healthy alternatives.

All this got me thinking about how so many of my Arbonne customers are cancer survivors and heart patients.  That’s because “they are in the know.” Our government doesn’t regulate what goes into personal care products.  Researchers have found that chemicals called parabens can spur the growth of certain types of breast cancer cells.  Parabens are used in many food and personal care products.  They have a chemical structure that’s similar to estrogen, which means they can mimic the effects of that hormone in the body.  Arbonne promises there are no parabens in any of our nutrition or skincare products.  Not only do we not allow parabens, but there are 2000 other known toxic chemicals that are not permitted in our lines.  And that’s why I have so many cancer survivors as customers and health conscious individuals with heart conditions.

Our NOT ALLOWED List includes more than 2,000 ingredients — nearly 1,400 from the European Union, plus several hundred more — that we won’t use in any of our formulas across our categories including skincare, personal care, hair care, nutrition, and makeup.  The US has banned only about a dozen dangerous chemicals.

See the list of nearly 1,400 ingredients banned by the EU: LIST OF SUBSTANCES PROHIBITED IN COSMETIC PRODUCTS – Annex II (total: 1,395).  Healthy living inside and out consists of what Arbonne chooses to include in a formula — and what we don’t. This list directly reflects Arbonne’s rigorous screening of ingredients, our research, and enhanced safety requirements that ultimately result in safer ingredient choices and effective products in line with our pure, safe, beneficial philosophy and further defines what it means to be Certified Arbonne Clean. We go above and beyond because we care.

This blog is not a commercial or advertisement for Arbonne.  I am not out to convince you to purchase Arbonne.  What I do want to do is to teach you to become a label reader, so you can wisely choose what you put on your skin and in your mouth.  Our skin is the largest breathing organ of our body and what we put on our skin goes into our blood stream in a matter of minutes.  There is a fun experiment you can do to prove this.  Put a clove of garlic between your toes.  In about 15-minutes time, you should actually taste the garlic on your tongue.

I have never smoked a cigarette in my life, but I wanted to illustrate a point with this picture above.  Fifty years ago if you were at a gathering, most of the people would be smoking.  What has changed?  We now know that cigarette smoking can cause cancer and there are labels on the cigarette cartons indicating that.  I believe in the future there will be warning labels on most shampoos, soaps, body washes, baby products, etc.  What I want to alert you to today, is to start reading labels on all the products you use.  The Environmental Working Group reports the average woman uses 12 personal care products each day containing over 168 chemicals.  (I obviously am not average, because I use 65!)  Over time, that will add up.

The Story of Cosmetics is a short and funny cartoon that is loaded with shocking statistics, enlightening information, and entertaining all at the same time.  I invite you to watch it and believe you will thank me.  /

One more video in that same genre is one that I did a few years ago, Face the Facts with Fun.

You’re invited to join me for an online live Arbonne Zoom Trick & Treat party.  It’s super simple.  You just click the link below at the designated time, which is 7:00 pm Pacific on Wednesday, October 23.  If you’ve never Zoomed, try it.  It’s fun!  It’s like Skype, but better.  Absolutely no obligation to buy a thing.  Information and fun are the goal, but… if you are interested in trying some healthy products with a 45-day money-back guarantee; you can receive up to an 80% discount.  See you on October 23 or leave a message below and I’ll contact you directly.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 557 454 905
Password: 631621
There is a “treat” for everyone that joins in on the Zoom party.  Please ask any questions or leave any comments below.

    • Susan Schirmer
    • October 16, 2019

    Di … you never told us what the racing heart etc. was about????? 65 … you’re a spring chicken. My Mom lived to be 96. Hugs … Susan

      • Dianne Deering
      • October 24, 2019

      It turns out that I have atrial flutter and an abnormal heart beat. I have a cardiologist at Stanford and angels above. I’m in good hands! And I like being a spring chicken! Thanks!

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