Let’s start with Maui Onions. How many people do you know that wouldn’t want to go to Hawaii or go on vacation? Some people have their primary purpose in life to travel and have fun!
What about green onions? A “green movement” is happening worldwide. People are jumping onboard the health-conscious train and drinking their green drinks. (I’m actually drinking my delicious Arbonne Greens Balance as I type this.)
Onions are round – like the planet we live on. Global opportunities for growth, expansion, and communication exist everywhere we look – especially in my backyard!
Red, white, and yellow are the colors of some onions. The same is true of some of the people on the earth. All the various hues and shades of onions get along just fine mixed altogether in my refrigerator drawer. Maybe we can learn a lesson from them?
Onion dip anyone? We have choices in life. We can “dip” our toe in or dive in and devour all life has to offer.
Do you like your onions raw or cooked? We all encounter “raw” or young or green individuals on our paths, as well as seasoned, experienced, or “cooked.” Something can be garnered from all.
Onions stink. One of my favorite mentors was the late Zig Ziglar. Zig told us to get rid of our “stinking thinking.” He actually said “stinkin thinkin.” Sage advice.
Onions can rot. Our bodies will rot if we don’t take care of them. You can listen online today to an outstanding free seminar series. You don’t want to be the rotten onion! Here’s your link to watch:
>>> CLICK HERE to watch Episode 1: The Alzheimer’s Epidemic now!
You may also want to check out last week’s blog, Alzheimer’s Trick or Treat.
Once you eat an onion it’s gone forever – just like our past. There is nothing we can do to change what happened in the past. It’s done. We can digest it all we want, but we can’t change it. We can only move forward.
Onion rings represent the notion of coming full circle in our life.
Onions can make you cry. In Arbonne we say that “we need a why that will make us cry.” In other words, we need a purpose that is so meaningful and powerful it will cause tears to run down our cheeks. Imagine if the entire world discovered their purpose in life!
On average, onions have 8 layers. The number 8 itself is balanced, balancing both the material and spiritual aspects of our life. The number 8 when on its side is the symbol for infinity. I believe people are like onions and need to have their layers peeled back, one by one, until their true core can be identified.
I’d like to close with a poem from an author unknown:
I hope you never look at an onion the same way again! Please share your comments.