
In last week’s blog I shared a letter I wrote to my dear friend Dee,  as a way to ease my grief.  This week I am including an alphabet of suggestions to calm your pain with my “ABC’s for Easing Grief.”

A.  Act.  Act kindly towards yourself and others.  Do an act of kindness for someone else.

B.  Be.  Be yourself.  Be with your grief.  Be loving.

C.  Cry.  Cry as many tears as you have to.  Crying is a proven release.

D.  Do.  Do something to nurture yourself and another individual.

E.  Exercise.  Even if it is a walk to the corner.  Take care of your body.  You will need your stamina.

F.  Feel.  Feel your pain.  You cannot heal what you cannot feel.

G.  Grieve.  Grieve for as long as you need.  Don’t judge yourself or compare.  There is gift from your loved one in the grief.

H.  Honor.  Honor your loved one in a fashion you, and they, will understand and appreciate.

I.  Invite.  Invite others to grieve with you.  They will be honored.  Don’t grieve alone.

J.  Join.  Join a grief group or other supportive organization.  Journal your feelings and emotions.

K.  Know.  Know that the spirit of your loved one lives on.  Know that you will heal, even when you believe it’s impossible.

L.  List.  List everything you don’t ever want to forget about your loved one.  Write it down or put it in your phone.

M.  Meditate.  It helps.  It works.  Read my blogs:  Meditation Made EZ and Upside Down Meditation.

N.  Nourish.  Nourish your body, mind, and soul.  Eat healthy food, sleep, and pray.

O.  Own.  Own your feelings.  Hold your own private celebration of life for your loved one.  Get creative.

P.  Pray.  Praying is believed to help you AND the one on the other side.

Q.  Quote.  Quote your loved one.  It will make you feel better.  Find soothing quotes online or in books.

R.  Read.  Read books about grief and the afterlife.  They help!

S.  Scrapbook.  Make a scrapbook with pictures and mementos that you can look at everyday and save forever.

T.  Talk.  Talk to your loved one.  Many believe and trust like I do – that they hear every word.  It helps you too.

U.  Understand.  Understand that people will say the wrong thing.  Their intentions are usually pure.

V.  Vibrate.  Raising your vibration or consciousness will help you heal and possibly connect with your loved one.

W.  Write.  Write a letter to the one you are missing.  Write down everything you want to never forget.

X.  Xerox.  Xerox or make copies of everything you want to save and put them in your scrapbook or safe place.

Y.  Yell.  Yell, scream, cry into your pillow or do what you have to in order to release your grief.

Z.  Zen.  Zen out after all the yelling and pounding of pillows.

Please share any examples of “letters” that have helped you through the grieving process.




  1. Reply

    THIS is gorgeous! I suggest you send it to Spirituality Today magazine.
    love and grace, Ilene

      • Dianne Deering
      • September 16, 2019

      Thank you Ilene. I will do just that!

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