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10-Minute Magical Mystical Morning Ritual

meditation-for women in their 60's

The thoughts you think before you fall asleep are marinating in your subconscious mind all night long, so a great tip to wake up happy and hopeful is to think happy thoughts before you fall asleep. I like to look at my vision board before dosing off too.

The very first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is to be still and think of all the things that I am grateful for. I look out the window at the mountains and literally count my blessings and bounce out of bed.

When my feet hit the floor, I pet my adorable dog Sammy, grab a glass of water, and pop on the scales. (Extensive research has proven that a great way to maintain permanent weight loss is to weigh everyday. If you are trying to make some changes in that category; it is suggested that you weigh in once a week and always at the same time.)

Next I grab my journal and head to my “sacred spot,” which for me is in the bougainvillea sprayed courtyard next to the fountain. There I write down five things that I am grateful for. I have been doing this everyday for 30 years. In my journal I have my affirmations written down and repeat those out loud. (A Harvard Business School study proven that individuals that write down their goals in their own handwriting – preferably in blue ink – are 83% more likely to achieve them.)

Tucked inside my journal is the Daily Word. It’s a tiny little pamphlet that has a two paragraph devotional for every day of the year. I have been reading one a day since I was sixteen years old! The message always seems to be perfect.

Off to the kitchen to make my Arbonne vanilla protein shake with coconut oil, which is my favorite thing to eat or drink. This gives me all the nutrition and energy I need to greet my productive day.

The entire process takes less than ten minutes and sets me up success. I take ten more minutes to get my workout clothes on and dab a hint of color to my cheeks and lips while listening to some personal growth CDs. Now I am prepared to check my emails, texts, and business Facebook page for any pressing issues. I am more apt to respond instead of react when I start the day with my mindfulness routine.

If you don’t have ten minutes, mountains to admire, or a courtyard with a fountain then you can improvise.   You may need to get up ten minutes earlier, but it will be worth it! Establish a pattern that works for you and stick to it. Statistics show that top income producing entrepreneurs start their mornings in a similar fashion.

Mastering my morning ritual made it easier for me to adhere to a regular yoga (11 years) and meditation practice and brought balance and success into all areas of my life.

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Stay Sassy!

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